About Us

Built in the distant 1836, this house is the oldest traditional house in Macedonia, which is still in function, a house which represents national wealth, which testifies to the history of the Macedonian house and its validity, house-museum protected by the bureau of National Treasure Constructed of wood and stone, with original carved ceilings, this house was home to 6 generations of family Jovanovich, and today is a great national restaurant with excellent, warm and above all, old Macedonian traditional setting.

While admire the beauty of the environment enriched with horticulture in the yard and the sounds of the fountain, your soul will caressing gentle sounds of national musical instruments and bagpipes flute, accompanied by violin, guitar and accordion.

Our ID card and a recognizable landmark is the first of the national food, very healthy food prepared in a traditional way in wood oven, and modern kitchen equipped by the HACCP standard. Prepare various cocktails and Swedish tables; organize celebrations and parties, as well as menus for groups. Only if you visit us, you can be sure.

Welcome, we expect you.

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Address Address: Pajko Maalo 14
Seats (Inside) Seats (Inside): 120
Seats (Outside) Seats (Outside): 150
Parking Parking: 30
We Accept We Accept: Credit cards Credit cards Credit cards
Peт Friendly Peт Friendly: No
Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Languages Languages: English
Music Type Music Type: Traditional
Opened Opened: 01.01.2005
Visits Visits: 169581

Moday 08:00 - 00:00 No Events

Tuesday 08:00 - 00:00 No Events

Wednesday 08:00 - 00:00 No Events

Thursday 08:00 - 00:00 No Events

Friday 08:00 - 01:00 No Events

Saturday 12:00 - 01:00 No Events

Sunday 12:00 - 22:00 No Events


360° view and Location







Последни коментари

Aleksandar Spasovski on 29.10.2018 commented:
Прв и прав избор!

Васко Марковски on 01.11.2018 commented:
Резервацијата беше за мои гости од САД. Гостите беа многу задоволни - од храната, од амбиентот, од услугатаи од флексибилноста кон нивните барања. Ме радува што направив добар избор.

Dejan Zerajic on 24.03.2019 commented:
Храната извонредна, услугата многу добра, немам никакви забелешки, освен највисоки оценки.

Мишко Милев on 20.09.2019 commented:

Елизабет Бартон on 27.10.2019 commented:
Excellent restaurant for traditional Macedonian food and great Macedonian wine selection.

Bedzet Demirov on 17.11.2019 commented:
Mnogu dobra usluga, jadenjeto mnogu dobro ambientot perfekten

Ivica P. on 30.12.2019 commented:
Одлична храна, врвна услуга

Marina on 30.12.2019 commented:
одличен амбиент и превкусна храна

Ljupco on 28.08.2020 commented:
mnogu dobra usluga

Ljupco on 28.08.2020 commented:
mnogu dobra usluga

Ljupco on 28.08.2020 commented:
dobra usluga

Svetlana Gligorovska on 16.10.2020 commented:
Прекрасен ресторант, преубав амбиент и одлична храна

Emilija Stevanovikj on 03.04.2022 commented:
Grne so jagnesko meso, prevkusno!

Svetlana Gligorovska on 09.05.2022 commented:
Preubav restoran, odlicna usluga i prijaten ambient

Denicija Stojanovska on 09.01.2023 commented:
Музика само на поедини маси, келнерите беа нељубезни и неуслужливи.

