About Us

Known as a center of outstanding cooking, Mulino is the most exquisite place to eat and is truly the finest restaurant in town. Since its very opening in 2003, true fine dining elegance was the rule for its guidance. Located near the center of the city (Kapistec), Mulino offers a brick and mortar exterior which gradually gives way to the sleek lines, elegant decor, and modern furnishings you would expect to find in any fine dining establishment.

Str. Teodosij Gologanov No.69

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Address Address: Str. Teodosij Gologanov No.69
Seats (Inside) Seats (Inside): 100
Seats (Outside) Seats (Outside): 100
Parking Parking: 200
We Accept We Accept: Credit cards Credit cards Credit cards
Peт Friendly Peт Friendly: No
Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Languages Languages: English, Italian
Music Type Music Type: Italian
Opened Opened: 7.04.2003
Visits Visits: 82808

Moday 09:00 - 00:00 No Events

Tuesday 09:00 - 00:00 No Events

Wednesday 09:00 - 00:00 No Events

Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 No Events

Friday 09:00 - 01:00 No Events

Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 No Events

Sunday Closed No Events







Последни коментари

Игор Ѓоргиев on 10.12.2019 commented:
Прекрасна услуга и храна но малку поскапо од повеќето ресторани во Скопје.

Petar Manev on 11.02.2020 commented:
Mozebi najdobriot restoran ne samo vo Skopje tuku i vo cela Makedonija. Sepak, cenite se previsoki.

Adelita Andova on 12.04.2023 commented:
Odlicna usluga, hrana so vrven kvalitet, prijatna atmosfera, cenite bi mozele da bidat malku poniski.

